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How to Support Healthy Mitochondria

29 September 2024

Last Updated

Author: Warren Gouin

Fussy eater

As parents, we always want the very best for our children, and understanding the complexities of autism can help us support them more effectively. At the core of our body's ability to function and heal is something called mitochondria – tiny powerhouses within each cell that generate energy, crucial for overall health, including brain health.


Why are mitochondria important?

We recognise that the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism can include difficulties with self-regulation, learning, and adapting to new environments. This can be partly due to mitochondrial health, which plays a significant role in how effectively the brain and body can operate and respond to therapies and learning opportunities.

Mitochondria are not just important for brain function; they influence how our bodies react to stress and adapt to change. When mitochondria are not at their best, it can contribute to increased stress levels, making it harder for your child to cope with everyday challenges.

Focusing on nurturing healthy mitochondria is therefore vital. It can offer support not just for the brain but for the entire body's stress response systems, possibly making it easier for your child to navigate the world with more resilience.


How to support mitochondrial health.

Diet to support mitochondria

To foster mitochondrial well-being, we can start by reducing exposure to low-quality foods and environmental toxins that contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. In this state, rather than thriving, mitochondria are merely surviving, which means they're not effectively supporting growth, repair, or learning processes that are so important for your child's development.

Choosing high-quality, nutritious foods is a foundational step. In addition to a healthy diet, specific supplements have been found to support mitochondrial health with minimal risk. For instance, omega-3 fatty acids are commonly recommended, but it's crucial to ensure they are of high quality due to their sensitivity to damage.

Integrating quality, stable fats into the diet is another avenue to support the health of cell and mitochondrial membranes, which are critical to their function. Fats such as coconut oil, butter (or its clarified form, ghee), and uncooked olive oil provide a wealth of benefits for maintaining the integrity of these membranes.

Coconut oil, rich in brain-healthy saturated fat and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), stands out for its ability to support mitochondrial function. MCTs, in particular, are known to be quickly absorbed and metabolized, providing a rapid source of energy that can be particularly helpful for the brain cells of children with autism.

Butter and ghee, which are high in vitamins D and A, omega-3 fats, and butyric acid, not only contribute to the health of cell membranes but also boost immunity and combat inflammation. This can be especially beneficial for children with autism, who may experience heightened inflammation and immune system irregularities.

As for uncooked olive oil, it's a source of monounsaturated fats, known for their ability to support heart health. The high content of oleic acid in olive oil is associated with anti-inflammatory effects and may contribute to the structural integrity of cellular membranes, including those of the mitochondria. Dietary choices that include these healthy fats are part of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet and can be an effective strategy in promoting optimal mitochondrial function.

By incorporating these stable fats into your child’s diet, you're providing the building blocks for robust cell and mitochondrial membranes, which in turn can aid in proper function and resilience. It's always advisable to opt for unrefined versions of these fats, as they retain more of their natural nutrients and are free from the potential negative impacts of the refining process.


Supplements to support mitochondria.

C15 fatty acid

The recent emergence of C-15 fatty acids as a supplement offers a promising alternative. With ongoing research suggesting their positive impact on cell and mitochondrial membrane health, C-15 fatty acids could play a pivotal role in maintaining robust mitochondrial function.


Another aspect of supporting mitochondria involves a molecule called NAD, essential for energy production. Low levels of NAD can lead to reduced cellular function.

To boost NAD, supplements that provide precursors like NR (nicotinamide riboside) and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) are available. However, these precursors aren't without their challenges, as they may increase NAD levels without supporting the natural recycling process of NAD within the cells. This can put unnecessary stress on the body, particularly concerning for our children with autism.

NAD precursors with supporting NAD recycling can lead to stressing our methylation pathways. This can lead to challenges, including increased anxiety.  This is well known in the anti-ageing community, who take methylation supporting supplements such as TMG along with their NAD precursors.

To address this, supplements like Time+ have been formulated to not only offer NR but also to enhance the cell's ability to recycle NAD. By doing so, it encourages a balanced increase in NAD without relying excessively on precursor and methylation supporting supplements.


Another important molecule for mitochondrial health is glutathione.  Glutathione reduces oxidative stress and supports the elimination of toxins.  To read more about the important of glutathione and how to increase it in our bodies, you may read my post on glutathione.


Final thoughts.

As parents, it's only natural to search for ways to support our children's health and well-being. While considering these options, always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the best possible plan for your unique child. Together, we can take steps to nurture their potential and help them thrive in their own special way. If there's any aspect of this text that you feel needs further clarification or adjustment, please let me know, and I'd be glad to refine the information further.

Download for free

Do you want to make a real difference in your child's life?  The report is packed with ideas that can enhance early intervention.  Inside you'll find simple ideas to improve health and wellbeing of your child.  Written by a parent of a child with autism, full of the best ideas enable ytoiur child to life their true nature and purpose.

Book, 5 Things Autism Parents Must Know.

Learn about Glutaryl

After 10 years of searching for a glutathione supplement that actually works, we've found it.  Glutaryl is a unique, patented form of Glutathione developed by Dr. Nayan Patel,  PharmD, author of The Glutathione Revolution.

Glutathione, the master antioxidant.

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No products listed on this website are a treatment for autism.  I do not claim any products listed treat or diagnose any medical condition.  

Products listed are hand-picked due to their evidence of supporting health and wellbeing cost-effectively, as well as positive experiences experienced by my family and/or reported by other parents.

If children improve any symptoms related to their autism diagnosis, it is purely coincidental.

The products that I recommend are those that may have positive effects at a cellular level and multiple pathways.  They have been shown to improve overall health and well-being. 

For specific health concerns please consult expert independent medical advice.